There is no proof of Taliban or Daesh presence in IOK, says Indian Home Ministry


New Delhi, Jan. 4 (TNS): Indian Ministry of Home Affairs told Rajya Sabha, upper house of Indian Parlaiment, that there was no proof of the presence of Islamic State (Daesh) or Taliban militants in occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

However, it said that the front led by former Hizbul Mujahideen commander Zakir Musa has the support of fewer than 10 militants.

This was India’s Minister of State for Home Affairs Hansraj Ahir’s written response to MP Amar Singh’s query on militancy in the occupied Valley.

Singh asked for information on whether the Islamic State group has “started pursuing a nefarious game plan to turn Muslim majority areas in occupied J&K into a caliphate” and whether the government had assessed the number of such militants in the Valley.

“As per the report, nothing has been established on ground that ISIS is operating in any part of occupied Kashmir valley,” Ahir said in his reply.

“However, Ansar Gazwat ul-Hind formed and led by Zakir Musa has posted adverse materials on social media. There are reports that at present, Zakir Musa has the support of less than 10 militants.”

“No militant Tanzeem [organisation] like Taliban is presently operating in any part of occupied Kashmir Valley,” he added.