Bhat urges UN to protect fundamental rights of Kashmiris


Srinagar, January 05 (TNS): Chairman JK salvation Movement, Zafar Akbar Bhat, on Right to Self-Determination Day, demanded United Nations to protect fundamental rights Kashmiris and right of self-determination is foremost basic right of every human being.

He said it is fundamental role was to sort out differences between nations and countries and to avoid wars and pave way for safe and peaceful life for the people living on globe and though the mission and aims were of great significance but this institution failed to deliver because of the Veto power entrusted to its basic five-member countries and that hampered its smooth and judicious functioning.

Zafar said though the UN failed to implement its resolutions, however its significance and importance can’t be negated and global community should take into consideration the miseries facing people in Jammu and Kashmir.

We are being killed humiliated, maimed and our properties vandalised and our youth put into torture centres just because they are pursuing their right to self-determination, said Zafar Akbar.

Zafar Akbar paid his rich h tributes to 55 martyrs of spore carnage, saying that despite 24 years lapsed; the killers were not brought to book nor were the gruesome incident investigated by some impartial agency.