Sugarcane control, management is provincial subject: Sikander Bosan


ISLAMABAD Jan 10 (TNS):  Federal Minister for National Food Security and Research Sikander Hayat Bosan called a press conference at Ministry of National food Security and Research to discuss sugarcane subsidy issue.

While talking to media persons he said the Federal Government announced subsidy on sugar not sugarcane. Federal government will provide subsidy on sugar export. The blame of Sindh government that Federal Government did not provide subsidy on sugarcane is wrong and baseless. The issue of sugarcane is being dealt under provincial Sugarcane Acts. I have clarified this issue to various provincial organizations having liaison.

He also mentioned that on wheat there is subsidy of fifty-fifty between federal and provinces. However on sugar federal government is providing complete subsidy.

While responding to questions, he said that we do not have complete list of mills that are not buying sugarcane on fixed price of Rs. 180. He also said that we would take up this matter with provincial chief ministers.

He also told the media persons that demand of sugarcane in the country is 5.3million tons while we are producing 7.5 million tons. He also appreciated the initiative of Punjab government oil seed crops. He also highlighted that eighteenth amendment was a tragedy for agriculture sector. We should put efforts to decrease cost of production in agriculture sector.