Petroleum Division signs around 15 agreements, MoUs in five years


ISLAMABAD Jan 13 (TNS): Petroleum Division of the Energy Ministry has signed around 15 agreements and memorandums of understanding (MoUs) with different countries during the last five years to enhance cooperation in the field of energy.

The agreements were signed with Azerbaijan, Turkey, Qatar, Iran, China, Russia, Turkmenistan, United Kingdom and Kuwait, official sources told.

Giving details, they said Pakistan signed an agreement Azerbaijan on cooperation in the field of energy February 28, 2017, while the government inked an agreement with Turkey to enhance cooperation in the field of Hydrocarbon on February 23, 2017.

It signed an MoU for export of Liquefied Natural Gas from the State of Qatar on February 6, 2012. Whereas, an agreement on cooperation in energy sector between Qatar and Pakistan was signed in 2015.

A cooperation agreement between Pakistan and Iran was signed on December 1, 2012 to complete the much-awaited Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline Project.

A Framework Agreement between National Energy Administration of China and Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources (now Petroleum Division) on Gwadar-Nawabshah LNG Terminal and Pipeline Project was signed April 20th, 2015.

Pakistan and Russia inked an agreement to construct North-South (Karachi-Lahore) gas pipeline on October 16, 2015.

An MoU was signed between the Ministry of Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan and the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources (now Petroleum Division) to increase cooperation in the field of fuel and energy Sector March 16, 2017.

Sui Northern Gas Pipeline Limited (SNGPL)/Sui Southern Gas Company Limited (SSGCL), Asia Pacific Corporation UK and Sptech (Pvt) Limited Sweden signed an MoU May 19, 2015 to mitigate gas losses, carrying out a pre-feasibility study on gas conservation/efficiency through rehabilitation, up-gradation and optimization of existing gas distribution network including replacement of existing gas meters with Automated metering Infrastructure (AMI) smart metering system.

On February 17, 2015, an MoU was signed for cooperation in joint venture projects in Exploration and Production (E&P) Sector among Oil and Gas Development Company (OGDCL), Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) and Turkish Petroleum Corporation.

Whereas, the government signed two MoUs with Kirthan Pakistan B.V., a subsidiary of Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, a state owned company of the Government of Kuwait, on strategic partnership basis.

Subsequently, in terms of MOUs, Petroleum Concession Agreement and Exploration License over two blocks were signed on Government to Government basis.

A long-term agreement for procurement of Gasoil was signed between Kuwait Petroleum Corporation and Pakistan State Oil Company Limited – renewable after every three year. The contract is currently valid from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2017.

An MoU entitled as “Geosciences Cooperation between China Geological Survey (CGS) and Geological Survey of Pakistan” (GSP) for “Geochemical Mapping in Pakistan” was signed on July 27 2010 at Beijing.The MoU was extended in 2014.

Saindak Metals Limited signed a lease contract with MCC of China in 2001 for Saindak Copper-Gold Project (District Chaghi, Balochistan) for a period of 10 years effective from October 2,2002 for undertaking ore mining through processing and smelting to blister copper. The lease term was extended from expiry date in October 2012 to October 31, 2017 through an Addendum to the Lease Contract.

Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation (PMDC) signed an agreement with MCC HuayeDuddar Mining Company (Private) Limited [MGD] of China on June 15, 2015 for Dummar Lead-Zinc Mining Project (District Lasbela, Balochistan) for development, ore-mining and minerals processing (lead LL&zinc concentrate production).

The Original contract was signed with MCC China in November 2003 and MHD replaced that company through an addendum to the agreement. The lease/contract period with MI ID is valid upto January 14, 2035.