PTI Core Committee expresses full support to PAT Jan 17 protest


ISLAMABAD, Jan 13 (TNS):  The Core Committee Meeting of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) has expressed full support to Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) protest, which will be held on January 17 in Lahore, and directed the provincial and district leadership and workers to take part in protest with full strength.

The Core Committee meeting held with the chair of party chairman Imran Khan in Bani Gala, Islamabad and discussed the issues of FATA reforms, Hudaibiya Paper Mills and PAT protest.

Addressing the meeting Imran Khan vows, “Accountability of each person linked with Nawaz Sharif is essential as on one can leave unchecked the billion rupees money laundering of Nawaz Sharif as PTI will not take a sigh of relief till the getting back the looted money to Pakistan.”He continued, “If NAB does not take action to take the Hudaibiya case its logical end the PTI will approach Supreme Court.”

The meeting has demanded the implementation of Federally Administrative Tribal Areas (FATA) reform bill with its sprite and soul. It warned if FAA people deprives off from their due rights they would be righteous to resist it.
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Meeting has also condemned the owner of a media house Mir Shakeelur Rehman and pledged to face his negative propaganda with full strength.