Dr. Kashif Ishaque of MAJU on top of scientists list in Engineering Sciences category


KARACHI Jan. 22 (TNS): Pakistan Council of Science & Technology (PCST) has published its new directory of “Productive Scientists of Pakistan-2017” (PSP) recently.

Director (ORIC) and Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering Department, Dr. Kashif Ishaque has secured number one position in Engineering Sciences category in this directory. Earlier the name of Dean, Faculty of Life Sciences, MAJU Dr. Kamran Azim was also included in PCST directory.

It may be mentioned here that the quality research contribution of scientists, including academicians, engineers and doctors of the country, particularly those involved in the production of new knowledge is regularly evaluated and ranked by PCST. It is further mentioned here that PCST has already published 8 directories on the subject of “Productive Scientists of Pakistan “in the last twenty years.

This is the ninth (9) study carried out and it includes the data of 4154 scientists of Pakistan employed in public/ private sectors universities, colleges and Research & Development (R & D) organizations who have contributed in scientific research from beginning of career up to 2016. It incorporates a wide range of indicators of for assessment of both quantity and quality of research and its impact. The Evaluation is done on the basis of criteria, which has been developed and approved by a high level committee in the year 2017.

Meanwhile, President, MAJU Prof. Dr. Zubair Shaikh has expressed his satisfaction over the inclusion of two academicians of the University and hoped that in future more faculty members of MAJU will be included in this directory on the basis of their quality research work.