COAS Gen Bajwa inaugurates Army Institute of Military History


RAWALPINDI Jan. 23 (TNS): Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa inaugurated on Tuesday the Army Institute of Military History (AIMH) during a ceremony at the Army Auditorium, GHQ.

A high number of senior serving and retired military officers attended the ceremony, including former army chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani and former ISI chief Lt Gen Ahmad Shuja Pasha.

AIMH has been established to record, archive, preserve and compile the history of Pakistan Army and act as a centre of excellence for the study of military history in the country, the Inter Services Public Relations said in a statement.

The COAS also appreciated the founding team of AIMH and hoped the institute would “go a long way in preserving and keeping alive the glorious history and heritage of Pakistan Army”.

In September last year, the COAS had inaugurated the Army Museum Lahore.

The museum depicts the history and heritage of Pakistan through various sections titled Rebirth of a Nation, Quaid and Armed Forces, Shuhada Corner, Nishan-e-Haider Gallery, Life at Highest Battlefield Siachin, Kashmir Corner, Pakistan’s contributions in United Nations, Nation Building Efforts and White of the Flag.

Earlier, in August, the army opened its Rawalpindi Museum to the public while celebrating the country’s 71st Independence Day.

The museum has special areas dedicated to those army officers who fought and lost their lives to terrorism, a Kashmir corner, a gallery devoted to the recipients of Nishan-e-Haider, and a Pakistan-India War Story corner.