Despite US anti-Tehran stance, India’s ties with Iran growing


Tehran, Jan 23 (TNS): An India analyst of world affairs believes that despite the anti-Iran stances of both the US and the Zionist regime, India’s ties with Iran are improving simply because New Delhi is much concerned on its own interests, Iranian state run media reported.


In an exclusive interview with IRNA here on Tuesday, the senior columnist Seema Guha said: “India’s ties with Iran are on track despite the fact that both Israel and the US are vehemently anti-Iran. Delhi’s plan to develop the Chabahar Port in Iran to do business with Afghanistan without entering Pakistan is a case in point. Ahead of the recent visit of the Israeli Prime Minister Nethanyahu to India, New Delhi government signed a $600 million deal with Iran for supply of locomotives and freight cars from India.”


“While signing the pact, the Indian Minister of Road Transport and Highways Nitin Gadkari, said that the locomotives could be used in the Chabahar-Zahedan railroad to accelerate development of the port, in line with India’s desire to connect to Central Asia and beyond to Europe,” she added.


Highlighting the isolation of the Zionist regime in the world community over its violation of the human rights in the occupied Palestine, the veteran journalist said: “Tel Aviv has few solid friends in the developing world, and the rapport with India, a country of over a billion people, is a feather in Israel’s cap.”


Elaborating on India’s foreign policy in the Middle East, the expert of the international affairs further noted that : “Foreign policy is not made by personal likes or dislikes, but pragmatic hardnosed considerations.’


‘Despite convergence and personal good wills between Indian and Israeli Prime Ministers, there is a deep divergence between India and Israel. The hope of many Hindu hardliners’ support for an India-US-Israel alliance against the Islamic world is belied by the hard reality. Luckily for India, the Prime Minister is not carried away by such sentiments.”


India voted with the rest of the international community in the UN against the US decision to declare Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.


‘Delhi has been a traditional supporter of the Palestinian cause. Under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, India’s ties with Arab countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar and the rest of the PGCC nations have improved rapidly” she added.


“All Indian governments have also walked a tight rope in balancing ties with the Palestinians and the wider Persian Gulf region. Prime Minister Modi is no exception. He is scheduled to visit Ramallah next month.”