ISLAMABAD Jan 24 (TNS): The Working group on higher education comprising of experts, academicians, senior analysts and representatives of civil society, has prepared recommendations to improve state of higher education governance in Pakistan.
These recommendations would be shared in shape of reference with President, Prime Minister of Pakistan and respective provincial governments.
The important recommendations include end of extension & adhocism culture in higher education sector, ensuring merit based appointments at key posts including Chairpersons HECs, vice chancellors through competitive, open and transparent selection process by a neutral search committee comprising of eminent academicians instead of non-academicians, promoting culture of transparency and accountability through openness and effective participation and meaningful engagement of relevant stakeholders in higher education governance at all tiers including higher education commissions & varsities, effective implementation of 18th constitutional amendment, separation of functions of quality assurance, ranking, funding at federal level and inclusion of elected representatives of faculty and students in decision making process at all tiers of higher education governance.
The members of the working group were unanimous of the view that without ensuring transparency and accountability in higher education, desired results of improving quality of teaching and research would not be achieved.
The recommendations emphasize over creation of create certain checks & balances in roles and responsibilities, especially at the level of federal and provincial higher education commission, through revision of respective acts of federal level in the context and provisions of 18th Constitutional amendment which is matter of grave concern and disappointment as left unattended throughout the political governance over the past 8 years.
In order to ensure merit and transparency in selection process, the search committee of key appointments in higher education sector, should be free from any external influences and all the members of search committee should maintain their neutral and impartial role.
The said search committee should employ a public demo method for selection of candidates through open door process, in front of relevant stakeholders.