Newsweek considers dropping Pakistani affiliate after editor’s child sex tweet


Washington, Jan. 25 (TNS): Newsweek announced that the magazine is considering ending its licensing agreement with its Pakistani affiliate after a controversial tweet about child sex from the publication’s editor.

Newsweek Pakistan‘s Fasih Ahmed went on an extended rant after the arrest of a Pakistani serial killer for the rape and murder of seven-year-old girl Zainab Ansari.

“The sexual abuse of children will always exist. You can never eliminate it. Sometimes it leads to great art. So there’s also that,” Ahmed tweeted.

When Twitter users responded with outrage, Ahmed insisted that the people who were expressing anger at the death of Ansari were hypocrites who would eventually ignore child sex. He then sent nasty tweets at those who attacked him.

Ahmed apologized eventually and deleted the bulk of his tweets, but not before Newsweekannounced that it had nothing to do with his comments and was looking at ending the publication’s relationship with its Pakistan edition entirely.