Afghan refugees facing deportation threat as deadline ended today


 Islamabad, Jan. 31 (TNS): As many as 2.5 million Afghans living in Pakistan could face deportation when a deadline ended today (Wednesday).

At the beginning of the year, Pakistan’s government opted to only extend the stay of Afghan refugees in the country by another 30 days, until 31 January.

It was the sixth extension of the validity of Afghans’ Proof of Registration (PoR) cards, which allow them to reside legally in Pakistan.

However, unlike previous occasions when their status was assured for a whole year, Pakistan’s Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi opted for only a month-long extension.

Announcing the shortened time period, Abbasi’s government argued Pakistan’s economy “has carried the burden of hosting Afghan refugees for a long time and in the present circumstances cannot sustain it further”.

As the new deadline approaches, Abdul Qadir Baloch, the minister responsible for Pakistan’s tribal areas, used a meeting with US officials to urge Washington to outline a framework for the successful repatriation of Afghan refugees.

He cited his country’s complex security and economic problems.