US pledges to continue humanitarian aid to Pakistan for housing Afghan refugees


Islamabad, Feb. 2 (TNS): The United States has said that it will continue to extend humanitarian aid to all host nations housing the refugee crisis. Pakistan is included in this list owing to its contribution to the settlement and repatriation of Afghan refugees.

The statement was issued by US Deputy Assistant Secretary for Population, Refugees and Migration Nancy Izzo.

In conversation with journalists in Islamabad, she lauded the efforts made by Pakistan in the aftermath of the global war on terror.

She assured that Pakistan will not be left alone in its efforts to provide security, food and shelter to Afghan refugees.

Izzo further added that the United States will also make sincere efforts to create a conducive environment in Afghanistan for voluntary repatriation of the refugees.

The claims come after a trail of warnings issued by US president Donald Trump to Pakistan, indicating that the US will be hardening its policy on Pakistan.

Earlier, relations between the former war allies were seen acquiring a tenuous nature. Pakistan and the US have been at odds over Pakistan’s counter-terrorism strategies near the Afghan border and, hence, the US has no plans of lifting the freeze on coalition funds for Pakistan, US officials stated in December, 2017.