Motorcycle laden Youth killed, 2 injured due to mishandling by a policeman at checkpoint


ISLAMABAD, Jan 04 (TNS): A youth embraced death and his two pillion riders got injured in an incident that occurred solely by nonprofessional and mishandling of capital police.

According to the TNS reporter the tragic incident occurred in Blue area on Sunday when a policeman on a check point tried to stop three motorcycle laden boys by laying hand on their bike. The bike, with the result, lost its balance and all the three riders fell down, got dragged along the road and one, namely Ahtisham got his head struck with the foot path which resulted in his death.

Police high ups rushed to the spot only to rescue their personnel after people gheraoed them and anger was brewing against them.

SSP City Ahmad Iqbal while ordering inquiry into the incident has promised that the guilty won’t be spared.