LAHORE Feb 06 (TNS): Mishal Malik, wife of Kashmiri leader Yaseen Malik, has said that Kashmiri people want solution to the problem in line with the United Nation resolutions, also signed by India.
She told media that people of occupied Kashmir needed support of the world community and Pakistani people for freedom of the valley.
She said the peace of the region was interlinked with the Kashmir issue and Indian intentions showed that they did not want solution to the problem. “We and our children will fight for freedom till the last drop of our blood,” she said.
Mishal said that she and her daughter were direct victims of indians and she knew how Indians targeted her and her daughter. “Whenever, we go to India to see Yaseen Malik, miscreants of RSS and RAW hurl threats, harass and attack us,” she added.
She said that no one was safe in Kashmir as Indian forces attack classrooms, schools and houses, adding that infants and little girls were also becoming target of the forces.
She urged all segments of society to support people of Indian-held Kashmir (IHk) for greater cause of freedom.
She said freedom movements were wars of nerves and these movements could take long time to succeed; however, she said that Kashmir would finally be liberated.