Signature drive launched for return of bodies of Butt, Guru


ISLAMABAD, Feb 8 (TNS):Hurriyat leader, Javaid Ahmed Mir along with other pro-freedom leaders in Indian Occupied Kashmir has launched a signature campaign, demanding the return of the mortal remains of prominent Kashmiri liberation leaders, Muhammad Maqbool Butt and Muhammad Afzal Guru, to their families for proper burial.

According to Kashmir Media Service , India had hanged Muhammad Maqbool Butt in New Delhi’s Tihar Jail on 11th February in 1984 and Muhammad Afzal Guru in the same jail on 9th February, 2013. Dead bodies of both the leaders remain buried in the premises of the jail.

Javaid Ahmed Mir in a statement issued in Srinagar said, “The signature campaign will continue. Today it was carried out at various districts of Srinagar and Budgam districts.”

“When Pakistan government can return the body of Indian prisoner Sarab Jeet Singh, India should also return the mortal remains of Muhammad Maqbool Butt and Muhammad Afzal Guru. Kashmiri people will never forget the sacrifices of both these sons of soil.

Both the martyrs had devoted their lives for the Kashmir cause. It is our responsibility to protect these sacrifices,” he added.

Javaid Mir said that the world community should show its positive approach and support the demand for the return of the mortal remains of Muhammad Maqbool Butt and Muhammad Afzal Guru to their families.