1409 graduates awarded degrees at 17th convocation of FJWU


ISLAMABAD Feb 09 (TNS):  Governor Punjab, Malik Muhammad Rafique Rajwana Thursday conferred degrees on 1409 students of the Fatima Jinnah Women University (FJWU) including two Ph.Ds., 124 M. Phil, 456 Masters and 827 Bachelors, while over 60 students won medals and cash prize on their outstanding performance in various disciplines.

Addressing the convocation, held here at Convention Center, Chancellor Malik Muhammad Rafique Rajwana congratulated the students and remarked that the foremost responsibility of universities is to produce well-informed, motivated and cultured citizens.

He said importance of working together to take our state forward on the path of inclusive growth and development. He asked to focus on quality education adding that, “Well-educated mothers are universities in themselves”. He especially encouraged the Vice Chancellor and her team for achieving the national goal of coping with unemployment through producing competent workforce that can contribute positively in national progress.
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Referring to the construction of academic block in City Campus, the Governor assured complete support from the Government of Punjab for this project.

In his specific message to the graduates of Mass Communication, the governor urged them to produce positivity in the media. He said that it was the responsibility of the media to highlight social ills, but at the same time media should also portray the positive side of the social system.

In her welcome address the Vice Chancellor, Prof.
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Dr. Samina Amin Qadir mentioning the recent development projects completed by FJWU and informed that US sponsored building of Education Department and HEC sponsored girls’ hostel, accommodating 903 students have become functional.

She further said construction of Campus-II at Chakri Road, Rawalpindi along with residential facility for over 25,000 students was the next ongoing project of the varsity.

She apprised that a Business Administration student won Young Researchers Award in the 3rd ASIA International Conference at University Teknologi Malaysia while two other from Software Engineering Department secured first position and cash prize of Rs.100,000, two other students from Environmental Sciences Department presented their project titled “Green Architecture and smart energy solution/bio fuel” in an International Conference in Nepal.

One student from Bachelors of Environmental Sciences registered her name in top five prominent students from all the regional countries. She stated that these achievements were the result of interactive academic teaching which was a key element of education in FJWU.

She further updated about the construction of Academic Block being planned at City campus. The VC said proposed project covers the area of 99,574Sft. with an estimated cost of Rs.566.584 million, the project was currently in the process of getting approval from the Government of Punjab. This block would further accommodate eight new market oriented academic disciplines, she informed.

She concluded her address by motivating the young graduates through her inspiring words. She urged the students to use their acquired knowledge not to just create wealth and welfare for themselves and the organizations they work for, but also to strive for the welfare of society, for reducing disparity and to empower those who are disadvantaged.