Lok Virsa to screen film “The Best Years of Our Lives” on Saturday


ISLAMABAD Feb 14 (TNS): Lok Virsa will screen the Hollywood classic film “The Best Years of Our Lives” on Saturday.

The film was directed by William Wyler and produced by Samuel Goldwyn.

“The Best Years of Our Lives” is a true Hollywood classic, starring some of the greatest actors that Hollywood has known such as Fredric Marc, Teresa Wright, Harold Russel and Myrna Loy.

It won seven Academy awards and remains the sixth best-selling film of all times in the UK theaters.

Meanwhile, a two-day 3rd Pakistan Mother Languages and Literature Festival begins at  Lok Virsa in Islamabad from Saturday.

The festival would include multilingual poetry recitations, musical evening, discussions over various literary genres, launching of books written in several languages, screening of documentaries and films.