New discovery offers hope of protecting premature babies from blindness


Islamabad, Feb 19 (TNS): New discovery offers hope of protecting premature babies from blindness. There is hope of a new way to protect extremely premature babies from impaired vision or blindness resulting from the eye disease retinopathy of prematurity (ROP).

Now there is hope of a new way to protect extremely premature babies from impaired vision or blindness resulting from the eye disease retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). Seeing such a strong connection between arachidonic acid levels and ROP is something that is entirely new. However we looked at the data, it’s always low levels of arachidonic acid that is most clearly associated with the disease, says Chatarina Lofqvist, an associate professor in experimental ophthalmology and the first author of the article. What we believe and hope is that providing the children with arachidonic acid will raise the levels and reduce the amount of ROP to minimize the risk of children becoming blind,” she continues. Every year thousands of children in Sweden are screened for ROP, a disease that afflicts extremely premature babies whose retinal blood vessels have not fully developed. The children can be visually impaired, and in the worst cases become blind, due to retinal detachment. Consequently, finding biomarkers for the disease has been an important goal. In the current study researchers investigated the levels of about 20 different fatty acids in the blood of 90 children born before 28 weeks of pregnancy at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg. The fact that arachidonic acid so clearly stood out surprised the research team led by Professor. The fatty acid belongs to the omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid family, which at high levels is associated with inflammation and heart disease in adults. During the fetal period, however, the situation may be different.