World to eliminate, poverty, hate, unemployment: Siraj ul Haq


Islamabad, Feb 20 (TNS): Ameer Jamaat e Islami Siraj ul Haq said that world to eliminate poverty, hate and unemployment.

He was speaking at a dinner he hosted in honour of the futsal teams which recently participated in the four-nation futsal tournament. The participating nations included Turkey, Nepal, Brazil and host Pakistan. Players of all four teams and their officials, attended the dinner besides the ambassador of Turkey Mustafa Yardakul, Brazilian deputy ambassador Fabio Meueghetti Chaves and officials of Nepal and Paksitan were also present. Senator Sirajul Haq urged upon the people of the entire world to promote brotherly and friendly relations among them, sayings that entire mankind was the creation of Allah Almighty and all human beings were the sons and daughters of Prophet Adam and Eve. He demanded the governments and countries all over the world to give up wars and animosity against one another and instead promote healthy activities like games and sports besides providing their people the basic needs of life like education, health and employment.

He said this would help promote love, brotherhood and goodwill among the people of different countries. Sirajul Haq added if the people from different countries promoted peace among themselves through positive activities, it could be highly helpful in bringing to end to the wars and establishing world peace. He said healthy activities gave birth to a healthy atmosphere and a positive mental approach which promote love for one another and awareness about one another, besides strengthening mutual relations based on respect and sanctity.