Rawalpindi Health Department fails to control Polio virus


Rawalpindi, Feb 22 (TNS): Owing to negligence of health department, existence of polio virus has been disclosed in Rawalpindi including federal capital.

World Health Organization (WHO) in its report has confirmed the polio virus in sewerage water of 10 Union Councils of Rawalpindi including areas of Dhoke Dilal and Safdarabad adjacent to various sectors of Islamabad.

The Chief Executive Officer Health Rawalpindi Dr. Suhail Ahmed Chaudhry, he responded that polio virus has been confirmed in the sewerage water of Pirwadahi and adjacent areas, however polio virus has not been confirmed in any child of Rawalpindi. Most of the people come from Tribal areas in Pirwadahi due to which existence of polio virus has confirmed in the water of Nullah Lai, he added and maintained that health department is initiating measures as per departmental schedule and polio teams works every month due to which millions of children are administrated polio drops.

Dr. Jabbar , District Health Officer (DHO) Rawalpindi said that no polio virus case in Rawalpindi has been reported since 2010 adding that WHO tested Nullah Lai water, during this our polio drive was commenced. The polio teams had administered the polio drops to children coming from other cities in Rawalpindi due to which virus has discharged through urine and mixed in the sewerage water of Nullah Lai.