IFJ demands release of photojournalist


Brussels, February 24 (TNS): The Brussels-based International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined its affiliate the Indian Journalist Union (IJU) in condemning the extended detention of Kashmiri photojournalist, Kamran Yousuf, by India’s National Investigation Agency (NIA).

The IFJ has demanded immediate release of Kamran Yousuf and dropping of all charges against him. The arrest of Kamran Yousuf has been widely condemned including by the Kashmir Editors Guild (KEG), the Kashmir Young Journalists Association (KYJA) and the IFJ. On September 14, 2017, the Press Council of India served notice to the NIA and police authorities, expressing concern over the arrest of Kamran Yousuf. The IFJ said the arrest of photojournalist, Kamran Yousuf, and baseless charges framed against him by the NIA are clearly attempts to muzzle the press and intimidate and silence the media in Kashmir.

It is a journalist’s duty to speak truth to power and expose wrong-doings; and no agency including the NIA has the right or the role to preach journalism,” it said, adding, the IFJ stands in solidarity with photojournalist, Kamran Yousuf, and demands that the Indian authorities release him immediately and drop all baseless charges against him.