Islamabad, Feb 26(TNS): Several recent studies have suggested that electronic cigarettes may not be as safe as we may think, and a new study now adds that these popular devices leak harmful metals some of them are highly toxic.
New research suggests that toxic metals leaking from e-cigarettes could endanger health.
Ever since their release on the global market, electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) have been hailed, generally, as a safer alternative to the regular ones. These devices work by heating up a flavored liquid that sometimes though not always contains nicotine. Instead of smoke, e-cigarettes release aerosols, or “vapors,” which is why users of e-cigarettes are often referred to as “vapers,” and the act of “smoking” using this device is dubbed “vaping. Despite the popular belief that e-cigarettes are better for our health than traditional ones, recent research has indicated that these devices could bring about fresh, and little understood, risks.
It has been suggested that people who use e-cigatattes could have a higher risk of cardiovascular problems and cancer, and a study published earlier this month found that a few certain e-cigarette flavors are particularly toxic. Now, a team of scientists from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, MD, concludes that e-cigarette vapors could also be harmful. Senior study author Ana María Rule and team surmise that the danger may arise from the toxic content of e-cigarette heating coils. It’s important for the FDA [Food and Drug Administration], the e-cigarette companies, and vapers themselves to know that these heating coils, as currently made, seem to be leaking toxic metals which then get into the aerosols that vapers inhale. The researchers’ findings are now published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives.