Federal Cabinet discusses an array of issues, approved several actions



Islamabad, Feb. 28 (TNS): Federal Cabinet on Wednesday discussed an array of issues and approved several actions.

According to press release issued by the Prime Minister’s Office, Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi chaired a meeting of the Federal Cabinet.

The Cabinet considered Inquiry Report into corruption charges in the Kachhi Canal project. It was decided to constitute a Committee headed by the Minister for Water Resources for suggesting implementation mechanism of the findings of the Report.

The Cabinet approved signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Ministry of Inter-Provincial Coordination & American Institute of Pakistan Studies, Inter-Provincial Coordination with a proviso that performance report of the Institute for last five years be presented before the Cabinet.

The Cabinet approved applicability of Islamabad Rent Restriction Ordinance, 2001 to Zone V of Islamabad and directed Interior Ministry to review the law. It also directed Interior Ministry to place the case before the next meeting of the Cabinet for applicability of law in the remaining areas of Islamabad. A Committee for this purpose was also constituted under SAPM on Law Barrister Zafarullah Khan with Secretary Interior, Chairman CDA, Chief Commissioner Islamabad and other stakeholders.

Rejecting a proposal for increase in the prices of CNICs of specified categories, the Cabinet directed Ministry of Interior and Chairman NADRA to review the proposal for the purpose of rationalization of cost of CNICs.

Appointment of Ms. Aalia Neelum as Judge Special Appellate Court under Section 46(1) of the Prevention of Smuggling Act, 1977, was approved.

Regarding the appointment of Chairman Evacuee Trust Property Board in compliance of the orders of the Supreme Court of Pakistan, the Cabinet directed Ministry of Religious Affairs to expedite framing of relevant rules in the light of directions of the Hon. Court. In the meantime, the Cabinet approved a proposal for grant of additional charge of ETPB to Mr. Muhammad Ashraf Lanjaar, Senior Joint Secretary of the Ministry till regular appointment is made.

Secretary Ministry of Religious Affairs briefed the meeting on progress into arrangement for Hajj 2018. After reviewing current state of legal proceedings and the need to communicate maximum number of hujjaj to Saudi authorities before 3rd March 2018 for finalizing flight schedules, the Cabinet allowed the Ministry to carry out balloting for 50% of the total quota of Hajjis for 2018 immediately. The Cabinet also directed the Ministry to request Islamabad High Court for early finalization of legal proceedings as all the pending petitions have been referred to IHC by the Supreme Court in the last hearing.

The meeting also discussed Report of the Committee constituted under the Chairmanship of Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo on the naming of Islamabad International Airport. It was decided to name the new airport as “Islamabad International Airport”.

The Cabinet granted approval to notification for declaration of Islamabad International Airport as an “Airport”.

Appointment of Mr. S. A. Manan as Chairman Board of Management of Pakistan State Oil Company Limited (PSOCL) was also approved.

The Cabinet also approved execution of various development schemes prepared by the Cabinet Committee.