Sadiqabad, Shamsabad witness alarming rise robbery incidents


Rawalpindi March 13 (TNS): Saqidqbabd and Shamsabad areas of Rawalpindi have witnessed a sharp rise in robbery incidents in broad daylight while the local police have turned a deaf year to the alarming issue.

Local traders are the target of the latest robberies where armed persons have looted several shopkeepers in broad daylight at gunpoint.

A few days back, armed robbers barged into Shahzad Poultry in Shamsabad and looted Rs15,000 from the shop owner and four mobile phones from customers. The police took account of the robbery incident but no arrests or recoveries have so far been made, the victim poultry owner told TNS.

Similarly, two armed robbers made their way into Muzaffar hotel in Shamsabad and looted Rs8000 from the hotel owner and three cell phones from customers before fleeing on a motorcycle.

Yet in another incident, three armed robbers barged into Najeeb Pilai shop and made away with Rs35000 and three cell phones.

The victims told TNS that police just show up for formality and never return to inform the victims about the progress report. They said that it was beyond comprehension robbers strike with impunity while police personnel have been deployed at a barricade on Shamsabad-Murree Road.

The shopkeepers said that they would be compelled to the streets if the police failed to ensure security for traders.