Punish Muslim campaign: Another Pakistan-origin British politician receive threatening letter  



London, March 16 (TNS): Sajid Javid, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government of the United Kingdom, says he received a Letter named ‘Punish a Muslim Day’ slated to be held on April 3, British media reported on Friday.

He is the 5th Pakistani politician who received the letter.

‘They have hurt you, they have made your loved ones suffer. They have caused you pain and heartache. What are you going to do about it? Are you a sheep like the vast majority of the population? Sheep follows orders and are easily led they are allowing the white majority nations of Europe and North America to become over run by those who would like nothing more than to do us harm and turn our democracies into Sharia led police states. Only you can help turn this thing around. Only you have power. Do not be a sheep,” the letter reads.

The letter also identified rewards based on action taken are including verbally abuse a Muslim, pull the head-scarf off a Muslim woman, throw acid in face of a Muslim, beat up a Muslim, torture a Muslim using electrocution, skinning, use of rack, butcher a Muslim using gun, knife, vehicle or otherwise, burn or bomb a mosque and nuke Mecca.

London anti-terrorist police is now investigating the case.

The UK Prime Minister Theresa May had earlier slammed these threats, saying they are not accepted in London.

Courtesy: IRNA