Pakistan, Afghanistan agree to operationalize Action Plan


Islamabad, April 8 (TNS): Pakistan and Afghanistan have agreed to operationalize the Afghanistan-Pakistan Action Plan for Peace and Solidarity (APAPPS) Working Groups.
According to press release issued by the Foreign Office, the understanding was reached during recent visit of Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi to Kabul.
It was agreed that Pakistan will support the Afghan-led and Afghan-owned peace and reconciliation.
Both the countries will undertake effective actions against fugitives and the irreconcilable elements posing security threats to either of the two countries.
They will commit to deny use of their respective territory by any country, network, group or individuals for anti-state activities against either country.
A joint supervision, coordination and confirmation mechanism will be put in place through Liaison Officers for realization of the agreed actions.
Both sides will avoid territorial and aerial violations of each other’s territory and avoid public blame game and instead use the cooperation mechanisms under this action plan to respond to mutual issues of contention and concerns.