Senate of Pakistan condemns human rights violations by Indian forces in IOK


Islamabad, April 9 (TNS): The Senate on Monday passed a unanimous resolution strongly condemning the killings of innocent people and grave human rights violations by New Delhi regime in the Indian occupied Kashmir, states a press release issued by the Senate Senate Secretariat.

Opposition Leader Sherry Rehman tabled the resolution.

The resolution strongly and unequivocally condemned the recent escalation of state sponsored violation in Shopian and Islamabad in Indian occupied Kashmir, which has left scores of people killed and injured by Indian soldiers and police.

The House extended its deepest condolences to the families of martyrs and reiterated undying solidarity with the people of Kashmir in their struggle for freedom and right to self-determination in the face of most brutal state terrorism perpetrated by the India.

The resolution reassured support of the Kashmir cause on every political and diplomatic front.

It said that for decades, the people of Kashmir have suffered violent repression under the hands of the Indian Army, which commits brutality with full impunity from the state.

It further said that thousands of innocent people have been brutally martyred, millions orphaned, widowed and mentally disabled.

The Indian state’s deplorable actions range from shutting down schools, restricting movement of people, suspension of internet services to far more heinous acts such as open fire and use of tear gas and to subjugate the people of Kashmir.

The resolution further states that the Senate firmly believes that such indiscriminate use of force is a violation of most fundamental human rights, which will only fuel further discontent and deterioration in stability of an already volatile region.

It stated that the danger of further escalation can only be thwarted if pressure is intensified to bring India to the negotiating table to find a peaceful resolution of the Kashmir conflict.

The House assured the people of Kashmir that Pakistan will continue its robust diplomatic, political, and moral support for just cause of Kashmiris.

The Senate urged the international community, the Islamic World, OIC, the United Nations, international human rights organizations and watchdogs to denounce Indian state’s belated violation of UN Charter and resolutions.

The resolution recommended the government to appoint a special envoy and representative to raise Kashmir issue at all international forums at once.

It also urged the government to take all necessary steps to get appointed a special envoy of the United Nations for Kashmir issue at all appropriate forums.

The House also offered fateha for the martyrs of Kashmir and Afghanistan.
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Press Release