ACE Rawalpindi arrests six including ADLR assistant director over illegal land transfer


RAWALPINDI, April 26 (TNS): The Anti-Corruption Establishment Rawalpindi on Wednesday arrested six persons including Assistant Director Land Record (ADLR) Fateh Jang, Abdul Majeed allegedly involved in illegal transfer of 1000 kanal land.

According to details, the ACE Rawalpindi approved Judicial Action against 14 persons allegedly involved in a land fraud case and arrested six including Abdul Majeed, Assistant Director Land Record (ADLR), Rana Naumaan, ASCI, Liaquat Ali, SCO, Aamir Ali Bhatti, SCO, Malik Tassawar Hussain, representative of vendees and Sohail Sarfraz son of Sarfraz Khan, Vendor.

Director ACE Rawalpindi, Arif Raheem informed that Ammar Siddique son of Muhammad Siddique Khan resident of Tehsil Taxila, District Rawalpindi made a complaint to Anti-Corruption Establishment, Rawalpindi that the complainant’s father Muhammad Siddique Khan son of Muhammad Hayyat Khan was owner of land measuring 990 Kanals and 14 Marlas in the revenue estate of ‘Dharnaal’ who has been died and the inheritance mutation is yet to be entered in the land record.

The officers/officials of ‘Arazi Center Fateh Jang’ comprising Rana Abdul Majeed, ADLR, Aamir Bhatti, Rana Naumaan etc, Sohail Sarfraz, Vendor, Amjad Mahmood, Shahzeb, Rasool Gull, Shahid Farooq Vendees, Malik Tassawar Hussain on behalf of vendees, Muhammad Saleem, Aamir Iqbal, Witnesses in connivance with each other, illegally and fraudulently through bogus attestation, forgery in record and by preparing bogus ‘Fard Badar’ maliciously transferred the land vide mutations No. 3989, 3990, 3991, 3992, whereas, Sohail Sarfraz was neither owner of land in the said mouza nor he had the right to sale out the land.

Arif Raheem said, on the complaint, preliminary inquiry as per anti-corruption establishment rules, 2014 was initiated and a team comprising ACE officers including Kanwal Batool, Deputy Director, Investigation and Ghulam Asghar, Circle Officer, ACE Attock. The above inquiry team submitted a final report recommending registration of a case against Abdul Majeed, Assistant Director Land Record (ADLR), Rana Naumaan, SCI, Liaquat Ali, SCO, Aamir Ali Bhatti, SCO, Mubashir Ali, SCO, Sohail Sarfraz son of Sarfraz Khan, Vendor, Malik Tassawar Hussain, Rep of vendees, Amjad Mahmood son of Haji Abdul Hameed, Vendee, Muhammad Shahid Farooq son of Muhammad Aslam, Vendee, Rasool Gull son of Iqbal, Vendee, Shahzeb son of S.

Hameed, Vendee, Muhammad Saleem son of Elum Din, Witness and Aamir Iqbal son of Daraab Khan, Witness. Whereas, the team also recommended that the role of another accused namely Fazal son of Sher Bahadur may be determined during the course of further investigation. Resultantly, an FIR No.11 dated 20.04.108 under section 420, 468, 471 PPC and 5(2)47 PCA was registered at Police Station ACE (HQ).


The investigation was entrusted to Amjad Shahzad, Inspector,Hqrs, who vide final report came to the conclusion that during investigation, the relevant record regarding mutations No. 3989, 3990, 3991 and 3992 was examined and the statements of the concerned persons recorded, which revealed that Ex-MPA Muhammad Siddique (deceased) was owner of 1000 kanal land in mouza ‘Dharnaal’, which was illegally and fraudulently transferred by the officers/officials of ‘Arazi Centre’ in the name of Sohail Sarfraz. When the son of Muhammad Siddique Khan came to know about the fraud, he submitted a complaint to Anti-Corruption Establishment and a preliminary inquiry was conducted and registration of case was approved against the accused. During further investigation, the allegation of illegal transfer of 1000 kanal land has been proved and the above persons were found responsible for the land fraud.