Islamabad, May 7 (TNS): Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Prime Minister of Pakistan on Monday denounced atrocities committed by occupation forces in Indian Occupied Kashmir.
“Pakistan is gravely concerned over the escalation of systematic brutalities, killing of innocent civilians, and human rights violations committed by the Indian Security Forces with impunity in Indian Occupied Kashmir”, the Prime minister said in a statement.
“Indian Security Forces have recently unleashed a reign of terror against the Kashmiri people; the Hurriyat leadership has been arrested or detained; and peaceful protesters are being constantly terrorized and maimed by gunfire and pellet shots. Indian State terrorism has resulted in the killing of 14 people in just the last 36 hours. The denial of access to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the OIC Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission is but proof both the Indian oppression and Indian guilt”, Abbasi added.
The prime minister said that continued inhuman oppression by Indian of five generations of Kashmiris struggling for a just, fair and legitimate right to self-determination calls in question the collective conscience of world.
“The people of the world must raise their voice against Indian oppression and world leaders must unite to save the victimized and brutalized women, children and youth of Kashmir. In particular, we call upon the United Nations to play its role to stop the bloodbath of Kashmiris and enforce their inalienable right to self- determination”, he added.
“Pakistan denounces Indian state terrorism in the strongest terms and will continue to provide moral, political and diplomatic support to the people of Kashmir in their struggle for self-determination under the UN Charter and in accordance with the UNSC resolutions”, Abbasi concluded.