Move to get much-delayed global Kashmir issue settled: AJK President to USA


MIRPUR, May 11 (TNS): AJK President Sardar Masood Khan Thursday called upon United States of America to immediately move for getting the much-delayed global Kashmir issue settled through affective and sincere diplomatic role, under the spirit of the international norms and commitments.

President of AJ&K, who is visiting Washington DC and New York, expressed these views in a meeting with the American and Pakistani media at the Embassy of pakistan in Washington DC, said a message received here on Thursday.

Masood Khan briefed the media on the current situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir. Ambassador Aizaz Ahmad Chaudry was also present on the occasion. President AJ&K in his remarks strongly condemned the continuing use of brutal and indiscriminate force by the Indian occupation forces resulting in killing of Kashmiris in the Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK).

In this regard, he referred to the fresh wave of atrocities in which 14 Kashmiris have been martyrdom the last four days alone.

President Khan highlighted the pattern in these atrocities which deliberately target young innocent and unarmed Kashmiris staging peaceful protest for their right to self-determination and against the long illegal and inhumane Indian occupation of Jammu & Kashmir.

He underscored that despite 70 years of unspeakable oppression, India will never be able to break their will. Likewise, India will not succeed in misleading the world community through its malicious propaganda campaign painting the just, legitimate and indigenous Kashmiri struggle for self-determination as “terrorism.” If there is any element of terrorism in Kashmir, it is the Indian state terrorism.

He expressed concern over India’s intransigence to engage in a dialogue on the issue of Jammu and Kashmir. Masood Khan said urged the US and the international community to play a constructive diplomatic role to end Indian atrocities against Kashmiris in the IOK and promote peace in the region by encouraging India to engage in a dialogue with Pakistan and the people of Kashmir.

The President said that the US is the preeminent global leader and a permanent member of the Security Council and in the past, it has played a role in moving the Kashmir issue towards resolution.

Therefore, he said, we pin our hopes on Washington to help us move the Kashmir issue towards a diplomatic and political solution. “If a chronic conflict like North Korea can see a breakthrough, so can Kashmir”, he said, adding that Kashmiris aspirations for a just, democratic and lasting solution must be respected.

On behalf of Kashmiri people, the President thanked Pakistan for its solidarity with the people of Jammu & Kashmir. He thanked the member states of Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) for its strong support for the resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in line with the UNSC resolutions and the wishes of the Kashmiris at the 45th Session of OIC Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM), held in Dhaka on 5-6 May 2018.

The President will be participating in community events on the Capital Hill in Washington DC and other places in Virginia, Maryland and New York to draw attention of the people and Government of the United States towards the humanitarian crisis in Indian Occupied Kashmir and urge the international community to play its rightful role in promoting a just and lasting solution of the Kashmir dispute in accordance with relevant UN Security Council resolutions and the wishes of the Kashmiri people.