NSC Statement ‘regrettable, Painful’: NAWAZ


ISLAMABAD, May 16 (TNS): Beleaguered former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Tuesday outright dismissed the statement of the National Security Committee (NSC), the country’s top civil-military body, on his controversial remarks about the 2008 Mumbai attacks as “regrettable” and “painful.” Speaking to reporters outside the accountability court where he arrived to stand trial on corruption charges, he said: “The statement is unfortunate and painful.” Nawaz Sharif said it should become known now as to who is responsible for bringing the country to this juncture and who laid the foundation of terrorism in the country.

A crucial meeting of the NSC was held in Islamabad on Monday with Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi in the chair to discuss the situation arising out of the PML-N supreme leader’s remarks about the November 2008 Mumbai attacks.

According to a statement released after the meeting, the Committee unanimously decried and rejected the assertion of the former premier as “incorrect and misleading.” “We have become isolated in the world.

Which country sides with us at present,” Mr. Sharif asked.

“We are not being isolated but have already been pushed into a corner,” he said. He insisted that there is a need to form a national commission to carry out a probe to ascertain the facts.

Commenting on the Dawn leaks scandal, the PML-N lifelong leader said the discussion about bringing our own house in order during a NSC meeting was turned into the leaks. “Militant organisations are active.

Call them non-state actors, should we allow them to cross the border and kill 150 people in Mumbai? Explain it to me. Why can’t we complete the trial?” These are the remarks uttered by Mr. Sharif that sparked the countrywide controversy.