Pakistan will discuss India’s violation of the IWT with President of World Bank: Aizaz



Washington, May 20 (TNS): Ambassador to the United States Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry has stated Pakistan will discuss India’s violation of the Indus Water Treaty with the president of World Bank, state media reported on Sunday.

Speaking to media here, Chaudhry revealed a four-member delegation led by Attorney General of Pakistan (AGP) Ashtar Ausaf Ali had arrived in Washington to hold the talks. He added that the issue of construction of the Kishanganga Dam on River Neelam will be discussed in the meeting.

Pakistan has termed inauguration of the project by India without resolution of the dispute over it as a serious violation of the Indus Waters Treaty brokered by the World Bank in 1960.

Aizaz Chaudhry said the World Bank is a guarantor of the international agreement therefore it must intervene in the matter and fulfill its obligation.

He said the dam has been constructed on waters flowing into Pakistan that would seriously disrupt supplies vital for the country’s agriculture.

India plans to undertake several such project in the disputed territory.

Courtesy: Radio Pakistan