Oxford College elects Malala as Social secretary



London, May 25(TNS): 20 year old Noble Peace prize winner Malala Yousafzai has been elected as a social secretary at the Oxford College where she is currently in the first year of her degree.

Her fellow students at the college elected her to the post recognizing her leader ship qualities, Malala will now be given the responsibility of organizing various social event in the college as, social secretary.

Malala took admission in the Oxford University College last year in August.

Lady Margarett Hall’s Junior Common Room president granted Malala a place in the executive committee during elections last week.

The president Lana Purcell said that her first and foremost responsibility is to organize and then promote social events in the Oxford college.

Malala who started writing a blog for BBC Urdu in 2009 about life in Swat under the suppression of Taliban and was applauded for her brilliant depiction of the event has been living in the U.K since 2012, after she was attacked by Taliban who had taken over the Swat area and stopped girls from gaining education.

The Nobel Peace Prize winner (2014) returned to her homeland this year after a six year stint abroad.