Election symbol: PPP seeks ‘sword’ after 40 years



Islamabad, May 29 (TNS): While most of the major political parties want to contest elections on the election symbol they had been using during previous polls, Pakistan Peoples’ Party has applied to get “sword” symbol for this election. PPP had contested 1970 and 1977 general elections with ‘sword’ symbol. It has been contesting with ‘arrow’ symbol since then.

Secretary General PPP Nayyar Bukhari would contest his party’s case in ECP today for new symbol. ECP has a list of around 330 approved symbols by the President of Pakistan. The ones left after being allocated to political parties would be given to independent candidates.

Sword was among the three symbols that were deleted from ECP’s list after General Ziaul Haq imposed martial law in the country after the 1977 general elections. Other two were ‘plough’ on which opposition alliance tagged as Pakistan National Alliance (PNA) had contested polls against Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s PPP, and ‘scale’ used by Jamat e Islami in the 1970 polls.