PFC contributes Rs one million for dams in country



ISLAMABAD, July 16 (TNS): The  Pakistan Furniture Council (PFC) has contributed Rs one million in the funding account of Diamer-Bhasha and Mohmand dams.

Mian Kashif, the Chief Executive of PFC has stated that as a country we all shall initiate together to conquer water-related issues, and also contribute to the maximum level in order to make a better society to live in for our prospective generations.

According to him, he has highlighted the fact based on population. He has expressed that population augmentation is the foremost aspect for water scarcity, therefore it is vital to take care of the timely construction of dams in order to deal with these water-related issues and completing the requirements.

Pakistan is deficient of water storeroom, around 30MAF water is wasted in the sea at the times of heavy flooding, which causes a trouncing of $14 billion on annual basis to the nation. He said, “About 29 million acre-feet (MAF) of water runs below Kotri Barrage every year on an average.”  and Pakistan is only able to stock up to 10% of that water, which is hardly adequate for maximum 30 days only.