EU observers express satisfaction over general election 2018 preparation


LAHORE, Jul 19 (TNS): The chief observer, European Union Election Observation Mission (EUEOM) Pakistan 2018, Michael Gahler, has expressed satisfaction over general election preparedness, security measures and the atmosphere to hold fair, free and transparent elections.

“The electoral climate is satisfactory and the technical preparations are well-placed, but the election day (July 25) is the real litmus test of all measures,” he said during an interview with APP at a local hotel here on Thursday. About the mandate of the EU election observation mission, Gahler said the mission was mandatd to observe elections from beginning to the end and give its recommendations in the light of the feedback from its team of about 100 people. He said the EUEOM was to oberve the entire electoral process, assess operations, legal framework, voting procedure on the election day besides vote counting and transmission of results.

About the procedure, the official said that the mission would engage all political parties, candidates, supporters, local election commison officials, local press and other relevant bodies and know how the atmosphere and election process were being run.

Responding to a query, he said their task was also to receive complaints and watch procedures how the complaints had been handled, adding that they were not supposed to make judgments.
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About the team and its working, he said the core team of 10 experts was based in Islamabad, while 60 long-term observers had been divided into 30 teams comprising two members each. He said they would be joined by the EU parliamentarians and the local embassy staff. He said these 100 people would visit multiple constituencies, assess the electoral atmosphere and meet the stakeholders. He said these observers would visit several hundred polling stations and their preliminary and final reports would be based on the data collected by the team members.