NAB Rawalpindi has arrested accused persons


Islamabad, SEP 27 (TNS): NAB Rawalpindi has arrested accused persons Zahid Rasheed s/o Abdul Rasheed, Ex-Director General, Workers Welfare Fund(WWF), Islamabad, Afzal Hameed s/o Abdul Hameed, Director, WWF, Islamabad, Amanullah Khan s/o Abdul Aziz Khan, Workers Representative at Federal WWF, Asim Raza s/o Sheikh Mushtaq Ahmed, Employers’ Representative at Federal WWF, Islamabad of investigation against officers/officials of workers welfare fund and others.

As per details, accused persons were the Members of the Financial Bid Opening Committee of the Workers Welfare Fund constituted to examine the financial proposal of the bid received in pursuance to the Tender Notice for procurement of land for establishing Medical College and Teaching Hospital at Islamabad. The accused persons wilfully and knowingly recommended purchase of 150 Kanal land @ Rs.3.7 Million per Kanal at exorbitant price on a single bid without carrying out any due diligence.

The accused in connivance with other accused persons caused a loss of approximately more than Rs.530 Million to the National Exchequer by committing the offence of corruption and corrupt practices.
Honourable Chairman NAB Mr. Justice Javed Iqbal has said that eradication of corruption and recovery of looted money from corrupt elements in top most priority of NAB. NAB is committed to root out corrupt with iron hands. He appreciated the performance of NAB Rawalpindi under the supervision of DG NAB Rawalpindi and directed to make all our efforts to arrest proclaimed offenders and Absconders and bring them to justice.