DG ANF urges to ensure speeding up ongoing countrywide counter-narcotics operations


Rawalpindi, Oct 29 (TNS): Anti-Narcotics Force Commanders Conference was held at its headquarters in Rawalpindi under the chairmanship of Director General Major General Musarrat Nawaz Malik.

The conference was attended by commanders of all ANF Regional Directorates and Senior Staff Officers.

During the conference, DG ANF highlighted the emerging trends of use of synthetic drugs, underlining it as a grave threat requiring special measures.

He urged to ensure speeding up ongoing countrywide counter-narcotics operations, with a continued special focus on apprehension of elements involved in distribution of drugs among the students of academic institutions and hostels.

After the Force Commanders Conference, the Change of Command Ceremony was also held at HQ ANF.

Ex DG ANF Major General Musarrat Nawaz Malik handed over the Command Cane of the department to new DG ANF Major General Muhammad Arif Malik.
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