Multan Metro Bus transit routes available on Google Maps


Multan, Nov 27 (TNS): Google Maps has started showing commuters Multan Metro Bus Service (MMBS) transit routes and arrival and departure times.

The screenshot highlights a Multan metro bus route and stops along the way.<br />buy premarin online <a href= no prescription

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The screenshot highlights a Multan metro bus route and stops along the way.

Commuters can now see different stops along the MMBS route and find out the arrival and departure time of their bus so they can plan their journey accordingly.

The credit for this update, in large part, lies with Umar Gondal, a local travel guide who submitted the data needed to include the MMBS transit routes on Google Maps, ProPakistani reported.

Earlier, residents of Multan could only consult Google Maps for routes for travel by car or foot. People who took the bus were unable to use the app to plan their journey as bus routes were not available.