Expert group meeting on ‘Preventing Drug Abuse’ today


Islamabad, Feb. 11 (TNS): A two-day high-level expert group meeting on the theme of “Preventing Drug Abuse in Educational Settings: Fostering Regional Cooperation and Partnership” will be held in Islamabad on Monday.      

Senior officials from regional countries, including Afghanistan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan will participate in the meeting.  

The high-level meeting aims to promote exchange of experiences and good practices among regional countries on how to effectively counter the common challenge of drug abuse in schools, colleges and universities.

The meeting would be followed by one-day training session on the same theme. The training session is designed to strengthen the capacities of relevant national stakeholders, including law enforcement, education and health authorities to respond with concerted approach to the drug abuse in educational settings.