Islamabad, April 27 (TNS): Mustafaen Kamal Chairperson Oxford Majlis Society called on Senator A. Rehman Malik Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Interior and author of book “Modi’s War Doctrine” here today on Saturday at his residence in Islamabad. Mustafaen invited Senator A. Rehman Malik on the behalf of Oxford Majlis Society to deliver a lecture in Oxford University which he happily accepted. Senator A. Rehman Malik will be visiting Oxford University next month in May to deliver lectures on ‘growing threats of terrorism worldwide’ to the students.
Senator A. Rehman Malik greeted the Mustafaen who is student of Oxford University and is the Chairperson of Oxford Majlis Society- the chairmanship which had been held by Shaheed-e-Milat Liaqat Ali Khan and Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto in the past and Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto had remained associated with the Oxford Majlis. Senator Rehman Malik said that he is proud of Pakistani students like Mustafaen Kamal who are bringing good name to the country while studying abroad and leading the student union. The Oxford Majlis Society Chairperson congratulated Senator A. Rehman Malik for writing the book “Modi’s War Doctrine” and said he was greatly inspired to read the book.
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He said that on the behalf of Oxford Majlis Society, he invites him to deliver a lecture on “growing threat of terrorism worldwide” to the students of Oxford and Cambridge Universities.
Mustafaen Kamal also briefed Senator A. Rehman Malik about the Dil Internship Project which he is heading as President and said that project has two main focuses first to bring normalization of Pakistan and second to provide opportunities to foreign students to visit and work in Pakistan and vice versa. Kamal said that far too long have people only associated charity with Pakistan and now is the time to move beyond this restrictive narrative and make it a natural home for peoples’ talents.
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He said that the Dil Internship Project has received attention from Ivy League Universities and the best Universities from the UK. He said that the project seeks to illustrate the best parts of Pakistani culture as interns across from the world will be given tours of centers of learning excellence as well as the historic sites of Pakistan.
Senator A Rehman Malik appreciated him for the project and said that Mustafaen has made him proud by starting this project as well as being a thought leader in many aspects, as shown by his Laidlaw Scholarship at Cambridge University. He said that he extends his full support to Mustafaen Kamal for devoting his ambitions and times in benefiting Pakistan and he will be hosting the students who will be visiting Pakistan under Dil Internship Project. He stressed that there should be a strong link between Pakistani students studying abroad and in local universities that they can mutually exchange thoughts and ideas about their study. He urged the government to initiate students exchange programs with different countries that students can learn about multiple cultures. He said we have to increase foreign scholarship for Pakistani students that maximum of our youth can study from leading universities of the world.