PTI government is taking every decision in the best interest of the country- Usman Buzdar


LAHORE, July 04 (TNS): A host of people from different districts called on Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar at his office. The Chief Minister listened to their problems and issued on-the-spot instructions for the solution of difficulties faced by the people. The people thanked Chief Minister Usman Buzdar and said that he is a Chief Minister of the people who opened the doors of CM Office to the common man and people’s problems are being solved continuously.
Talking on the occasion, Chief Minister said that he is aware of problems faced by the people and difficulties of the common man are solved by treating them as his own. My doors are open and I maintain continuous liaison with the people. Solving your problems is my responsibility and no one will be allowed to create hurdles in the solution of genuine demands of the people, he added. Usman Buzdar said that a cruel game was played with the economy by adopting wrong policies during the previous tenures and facts were hidden from the people through fudge figures. Past government is responsible for the bad conditions; he maintained and added that past governments exhibited criminal negligence by ignoring common man’s problems.
The Chief Minister said that every job will be done on merit adding that there is no room for the corrupt in Punjab because the country has been left behind due to the corrupt elements. The PTI government has raised a strong voice against corruption and adopted a policy of zero-tolerance because corruption has to be eliminated for progress and prosperity. We speak the truth and are serving the people with commitment and passion. We will not deceive the people nor would do political jugglery, he added.
The Chief Minister said that the PTI government is taking every decision in the best interest of the country so that the economy could be improved. He made it clear that injustices made with the backward areas during the past government will be compensated. He said that public needs are given priority in development schemes. The things are being improved day by day and a good time is knocking at the door. He said that 22 crore people are our real strength. When PTI came into power, the economy was devastated and institutions were bankrupted but the incumbent government has set a new example by introducing reforms in a short span of time. We believe in performance instead of slogans and the opportunity given by Almighty Allah to serve the people will be fulfilled by treating it as a sacred responsibility, the Chief Minister concluded.