Pakistan tehreek-e-insaf was, is and will always support chairman senate: Sardar Usman Buzdar


LAHORE, July 14 (TNS): Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar said that Pakistan Tehreek-e- Insaf was, is and will always be supporting Chairman Senate Sadiq Sanjrani. He said that opposition parties don’t have the caliber to remove Chairman Senate from his post and they will lose badly in their movement of mistrust against him. Furthermore he added that opposition parties whose politics is based on chaos and anarchy are working on same agenda in order to satisfy their vested interest nevertheless this is the time for them to mend their ways. In a statement here today CM Punjab said that opposition plays a vital role in democratic countries but unfortunately in Pakistan opposition parties have always promoted negative politics. He said that chairman Senate has support of majority in house so this movement is nothing but a failure. He said that PTI is standing with Chairman against this undue demand of opposition parties who are working against him only to manifest their vested interests. 22 crore people of Pakistan are well aware of the fact that chairman Senate has always followed democratic and parliamentarian traditions. He said that all the tactics of opposition parties will come back to them and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf along with its allied parties will make this movement a failure. That Sadiq Sanjrani who belongs to you Baluchistan has always done justice to his post and displayed his duties fairly. CM Punjab further added that rulers in past have constructed building just to show off and totally ignore basic necessities of public. They did not pay any heed e to the mysteries of common man neither day took any practical step to minimize them. The government of PTI has introduced change the system and over utmost preference is development of human resource. We have diverted the resources in order to provide basic facilities to common man, he added. CM said that it is the responsibility of state to provide education, health and clean drinking water people and our government is vigilant to provide people with this right. He said that the past rulers have left no stone unturned to deteriorate or economy likewise they destroyed government organizations for their own interests. Priorities of people and national interest was totally ignore while devising policies in past as a result of which every children Pakistan is inducted to foreign loan. He said that we have to take tough decisions in order to fix those wrong decisions. He assured that their government working on the Welfare of common man. Tough time is about to pass as good days and Knocking on our door. He said that Pakistan is moving forward to its real destination swiftly.
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