Capital Development Authority (CDA) to implement rotation policy i.e. transfer of the employees after every three years of service in one formation of authority


Islamabad, July 21 (TNS): Capital Development Authority (CDA) to implement rotation policy i.e. transfer of the employees after every three years of service in one formation of authority. In this regard, instructions have been issued to prepare lists of officers who have been served on one post for more than three years. The list will include all officers in all grades. Under the rotation policy they will be posted on different assignments.

Rotation policy will help improve efficiency of the employees which ultimately improve the service delivery and performance of the authority.

It is pertinent to mention here that some officials of the authority are working in same departments for more than three years and have not been rotated. Furthermore, Due to lack of implementation of the rotation policy, issues of governance and service delivery were surfacing badly. Departments including Human Resource Directorate, Estate Management One, Estate Management Two, Land and Rehabilitation and other such formations where employees have not been rotated since years.

CDA Management has directed the Human Resource Directorate to prepare the lists officers at the earliest so that rotation policy could be implemented. It has been further directed that rotation policy should be implemented across all the wings of the authority in true letter and spirit.