Islamabad: July 30 (TNS): Chairman Capital Development Authority (CDA), Amer Ali Ahmed visited the Attaturk Avenue here on Tuesday to inspect the progress of work on the project. Chairman CDA directed the Engineering Wing to complete the work on the Avenue from Khyaban-e-Sohrwardi to NADRA chowk within one (01) week so that the said portion could be opened for traffic. Senior officers of Engineering wing also accompanied the Chairman during his visit.
Chairman was briefed that base and sub-base work from Khyaban-e-Soharwardi to NADRA chowk has been completed while drainage system has also been established on the said portion. It was also informed that shifting of water supply lines is at final stages while shifting of IESCO services will be also carried out in next few days. It was further briefed that base work from Fazal-e-Haq Road to NARDA chowk is also in process and would completed at the earliest.
On this occasion, Chairman CDA instructed the Engineering Wing to speed-up the work on the portion from Fazal-e-Haq Road to NARDA chowk and complete it within fortnight. Instructions were also given that work on the project should be completed in all respect. Engineering Wing assured that all out efforts would be made to complete the project at the earliest.
It is pertinent to mention here that work on dualization of Attaturk Avenue was among the delayed projects and work on the project was being carried out at snail pace. However, the incumbent management after removing all impediments and ensuring effective supervision accelerated the pace of construction work and finally project is in its final stages.