Building Control Directorate-I of the Capital Development Authority (CDA) has completed the compilation of data regarding all commercial premises in the capital city


Islamabad: August 30 (TNS): Building Control Directorate-I of the Capital Development Authority (CDA) has completed the compilation of data regarding all commercial premises in the capital city.
In line with the instructions of the CDA Management, a survey was conducted by the staff of Building Control Directorate-I and inspector of the respective area. During the survey data regarding all commercial buildings of blue area, marakiz and class – III markets was collected and compiled. In the light of collected data, building control section will serve the notices to the owners of the premises for violations of building by-laws while notices would also be served to the owners of the premises who have not yet obtained completion certificate of the Authority.

Survey has also indicated that the building plans of some commercial buildings are not approved by the Authority, therefore, it has been decided that notices would be served to the owners of such buildings. Similarly, it has been also observed that some building owners have also made violations after issuance of completion certificates, therefore, notices would be served to the owners of such premises.

It is pertinent to mention here that prior to this exercise there was no consolidated data of the commercial buildings with Building Control Directorate-I which was resulting in violations of building by-laws non-obtaining of completion certificate and non-submission of building plans in the Authority which was ultimately affecting the revenue generation and building symmetry in the city. As now, the data has been compiled action against the building violations would be taken in the light of collected data.