Clarification of ministry of housing & works: Chairman NAB was lawfully allotted a houseat Ministers’ Enclave


Islamabad, Sep 03 (TNS): It has been wrongfully quoted in a section of press that Secretary, Housing &Works has informed Senate Standing Committee meeting held on 02-09-2019 that the ChairmanNAB has been unlawfully allotted a house in Ministers’ Enclave. The Secretary Housing &Works has taken strong exception to this misreporting and therefore it is imperative to clarify thefacts of the matter. The correct position is that the Chairman NAB was lawfully allotted a houseat Ministers’ Enclave during the tenure of caretaker Government in 2018 after completion of dueprocess and with the approval of competent authority i.e. Minister for Housing & Works.

2. It is further clarified that prior to April, 2019 there were no prescribed rules forallotment of Ministers’ Enclave, therefore, Ministry after detailed consultation drafted allotmentrules of Ministers’ Enclave and got them approved from Cabinet Division after completing allcodal formalities. These rules were notified on 8th April 2019. Under the new allotment rules,eligibility criteria was defined which is;

a “person eligible” means Federal Minister, Minister of State, a Minister withoutportfolio and includes Attorney General for Pakistan, Adviser, Special Assistant to thePrime Minister appointed with status of Federal Minister, Minister of State and notifiedas such by the Cabinet Division.

3. The new rules of Ministers’ Enclave became operational w.e.f. the date ofnotification and these cannot be applied retrospectively, hence these were not applicable to theallotment done prior to the notification and cannot be declared unlawful. The allotment to theChairman NAB was made in light of the allotment policy in vogue at that time, therefore theallotment cannot be declared unlawful. <><><><><><>