Senator A. Rehman Malik has urged the Muslims to learn from the supreme sacrifice of Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS) and martyrs of Karbala


Islamabad, Sep 09 (TNS): Former Interior Minister and Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Interior Senator A. Rehman Malik has urged the Muslims to learn from the supreme sacrifice of Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS) and martyrs of Karbala who sacrificed their lives for a greater cause but didn’t bow before tyrant Yazeed. He has appealed the Muslims across the world to raise their voices for their Kashmiri brothers and sisters who are suffering the ultimate calamities in the hands of Indian Forces.
Addressing a press conference today on Sunday at his residence in Islamabad, Senator A. Rehman Malik paid a rich tribute to Hazrat Imam Hussain a’s and his companion and said that in Karbala, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS) along with his 72 companion embraced martyrdom for glory of Islam. He said that today Kashmir is turned into Karbala there is a “Karbala” like situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir and the Indian Prime Minister Narednra Modi is “Yazeed of today” who has besieged the oppressed people of Kashmir and have stopped their accesses to water, food and medicines. He said that Muharram is the most important month in Islamic calendar that reminds us of the supreme sacrifices of Imam Hussain a’s and his companions. “Karbala teaches all Muslims to render sacrifice rather to bow before a tyrant.” He said that following the footsteps of Hazrat Imam Hussain a’s today it is the need of the hour that all Muslims across the worldshould raise their voices against PM Narendra Modi who has created Karbala like situation in Kashmir. “Let us promise that we will always fight against Yazeediat, oppression and evil,” he added.
Senator A. Rehman Malik said that yesterday he returned from Belarus wherein he addressed a High-level Conference on Counter Terrorism under the theme “Countering terrorism through innovative approaches and the use of new and emerging technologies”. He said The Regional High-level Conference was organized by the United Nations Office of Counter- Terrorism together with Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU). He said that he posed a question about Kashmir but he was shocked that some of the participants who were parliamentarians from member States even did not know about the worst situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir. He said “I feel that as Senior Politician, I must put my observations as I did not find any major contribution from Pakistani officers deployed there in this UN-IPU conference and found them to be highly unconcerned like typical bureaucrats of status quo with no extra contribution as no intervention was seen by the Pakistani officials towards Kashmir issue despite of the fact that officers were nominated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for this conference.”
He said that he found that our Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not yet activated its officials and missions abroad to explore and use every available platform to highlight the issue of Kashmir and expose Indian brutalities. He said that very vocally he took up the illegal actions of PM Modi in Indian Occupied Kashmir adding that not only in the conference but also during his meeting with the Foreign Minister of Belarus. He said that he injected the issue of Kashmir based on Human rights violations in both of his speeches, though the chairperson of the Conference was not comfortable with it. He said that in his speech he informed the Member States about the great role and sacrifices of Pakistan in “War on Terror”. He expressed that he was worried about the defensive policy of Pakistan Foreign office as to why MOFA has not activated all its resources to highlight Kashmir issue and that in such august forums. He said that during his meeting with the National Security Advisor, The Foreign Minister Kazikistan, Mr. BeibutAtamkulov and also the USA Ambassador nominated for this conference who has been designated as the ambassador in UNSC as well, he elaborated the ethnic cleansing of Kashmiris by Indian Forces.
Senator Rehman Malik has advised the government rather to be defensive should adopt an offensive diplomatic policy to expose Modi’s brutalities in Kashmir before the world as he is committing unprecedented war crimes there. He said that since August 5th when the Indian government in a scrapped the special status of Kashmir by revoking Article 370 and 35A till today more than a month has passed yet Pakistan hasn’t filed a case in International Criminal Court against Indian government and Narendra Modi. He said that we couldn’t develop sizeable international pressure on PM Narendra Modi to take back his notorious decision of revoking the special status of Indian Occupied Kashmir and couldn’t push him to uplift the curfew. He pressed the government to not waste further time and ask the United Nation to make the Indian Government accountable for the violation of 11 resolutions passed by its Security Council (UNSC) and worst kind of human rights violations since August 5th. He said that it is right time to seek the world attentions towards the unprecedented brutalities committed against innocent Kashmiris in terms of mass murders, mass blinding through pelleting, enforced disappearances, tortures, rape, political repression and suppression of freedom of speech including the complete lock down of the daily life. He said that the unprecedented brutalities violation of Human Rights and Genocide make Narendra Modi vulnerable to the Rome Statute of International Criminal Court.
Senator A. Rehman Malik warned Indian Prime Minister Narednra Modi saying that disappointment is always not pleasant like his moon mission miserably failed therefore instead of conquering the lifeless moon, you (Modi) should look into miseries of living oppressed Kashmiris on ground who are dying with food, water and medicine because of continuous curfew. He said that how long PM Modi can cage Kashmiris in their homes to suppress their voice for freedom. He asked PM Narendra Modi to give peace a chance and not push the region towards destruction as Jehadis across the world can use Modi’s brutalities in Kashmir to declareJehad.
He advised the government to ask the United Nations and Red Crescent for deployment of peacekeeping missions on urgent basis as humanity is under great threat and danger in Kashmir. He said the government should immediately call in-camera joint session on Kashmir and formulate a common strategy to highlight Kashmir issue across the world adding that he will be penning a letter to Prime Minister Imran Khan in this regard. Senator Rehman Malik asked the media to dedicateat least 20 minutes daily to highlight Indian Forces brutalities in Kashmir asking the government that the energy it is wasting on victimizing the opposition wherein he daily sees ministers speaking against opposition, utilize in highlighting Kashmir issue.