Capital Development Authority (CDA), issued explanation letters to 55 officers and officials on their non-observing office timings


Islamabad: October 11 (TNS): On the directions of administration of Capital Development Authority (CDA), issued explanation letters to 55 officers and officials on their non-observing office timings. Explanation letters have been issued to 55 officers and officials by the Human Resource Development (HRD) Directorate of the Authority.

In this regard, instructions were already issued for the observance office timings, punctuality and maintain discipline, being a public service organization. It is duty of all officers and officials to provide easement to public toward public service delivery, but most of the officers and officials were not abiding the said instructions in true letter and spirit. Resultantly, official duty is not being performed and affecting service delivery in a better sense.

During a surprise visit made by the staff of Security Directorate checked attendance in morning time and found 55 officers and officials were absent as well as late comer. CDA administration taken a serious view on this state of affair towards discipline and called explanation of these absented and late comer officers and officials and further enquire them to why the disciplinary action should not be taken against them as per relevant clause of CDA Service Regulation-1992.

It is pertinent to mention here that all the officers and officials were time and again strictly directed to remain present during office hours, abide the punctuality and office decorum. In case of any lethargic attitude toward public service delivery and violation of office discipline, decorum, punctuality would not be tolerated.