Kashmiris on both sides of LoC, world over to observe Black Day tomorrow


Islamabad, Oct 26 (TNS): Kashmiris on both sides of the Line of Control and the world over will observe Black Day tomorrow to mark the illegal occupation of Jammu and Kashmir by India on 27th October, 1947.

It was on this day when Indian troops invaded Jammu and Kashmir and occupied it in blatant violation of Partition Plan of the Subcontinent and against the Kashmiris’ aspirations.

The day is marked every year to express support and solidarity with Kashmiri people in their just struggle for right to self-determination and remind the United Nations and the international community of its commitments regarding the resolution of this longstanding dispute.

This year the day has achieved greater significance given the unilateral and unconstitutional steps taken by India on 5th August, revoking the special status of occupied Kashmir.
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Since then, the held territory has been under complete blockade and communications blackout. The oppressed people of occupied Kashmir have been facing acute food and medicines shortage; they are unable even to offer prayers at mosques and children cannot go to school.

Pakistan has been highlighting India’s illegal annexation of Kashmir at world fora, sensitizing the international community that this unilateral action of India can jeopardize the regional peace. Prime Minister Imran Khan forcefully contested the case of Kashmir at the United Nations General Assembly session in September this year, urging the world to act immediately and press India to lift curfew in occupied Kashmir and provide Kashmiris the pledged right to self-determination.

The international community disapproved India’s action of August 5 and expressed serious concern over the restrictions imposed in occupied Kashmir. The UN Security Council met in closed doors and discussed Kashmir issue and the OIC Contact Group has twice held its meetings on the issue. China, Turkey and Malaysia have also expressed concern over the dire human rights situation in occupied Kashmir.

Under the instructions of Prime Minister Imran Khan, the nation observes Kashmir Day every Friday to express solidarity with oppressed Kashmiris. Pakistan’s civil and military leadership have categorically repeatedly stated that the country will stand by the Kashmiri brethren in their just struggle for right to self-determination. Pakistan has been emphasizing that the Kashmir issue should be resolved as per aspirations of Kashmiris and the UN Security Council resolutions.

To mark Kashmiris’ Black Day tomorrow, seminars and rallies will be taken out in different parts of the country. Instructions have also been given to Pakistani missions abroad to organize events and engage with Pakistani Diaspora, local parliamentarians, think-tanks and other relevant people to highlight significance of the day.

Radio Pakistan and Pakistan Television have arranged special programs to mark the day. News and Current Affairs Channel of Radio Pakistan will broadcast special programs in connection with the day to highlight the plight of Kashmiri people.
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